
3Dsurvey Software and Data Services


Partnering with WestLat makes your entry into photogrammetry and data processing using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV or drones), smartphones, and the 3Dsurvey software suite simple and cost effective. 


Key Features

Integrated CAD Tools

The integrated CAD environment enables you to finish your projects without any specialized third-party software. It includes all the powerful layer-style tools!

Importing LiDAR

Just like any other point cloud, LiDAR can be imported and worked with in a matter of seconds. It is a great way to create DSMs, DEMs, Orthophoto maps, topographic maps, and terrain studies of larger areas.

Volume Calculation

Explore volumetric calculations with great speed and accuracy. Compare multiple measurements, visualize in realistic 3D detail, and detect changes on the fly or over time.

Digital Orthophoto Maps

Calculate high-resolution digital orthophotos with cm-grade precision in perfect geo-referenced detail for further land surveying and mapping exploration.

Cross Sections from Drone Data

Survey-grade profile calculations in seconds. Visualize and modify any inputs to perform 2D and 3D analysis of your surveyed site purely from drone captured data.

Automated Point Cloud Classification

Leverage industry-leading classification engine with best-in-class point cloud customization tools enabling you fast, user-friendly and simple data classification.

Let’s Work Together